We need your support!!
The Bangladeshi Mental Health Forum currently does not receive any ongoing funding from any statutory bodies (e.g. local authority, Clinical Commissioning Group) or funding bodies/trusts. All the work we currently undertake is purely made possible from support via public donations and one off partnership work support from NHS mental health trusts.
In order for our organisation to survive, initiate important community led mental health awareness projects, undertake awareness campaigns, support people to access services, facilitate services, we are appealing to the community to support us. We are a community initiative (led by volunteers) and your donation can make a huge impact to the long term existence of our organisation and more importantly make a significant difference to the lives of people suffering from mental health in your local community.
If you would like to support us by donating money or would like to undertake a fundraising campaign on our behalf please click on our BT Donate page below:
Other Donation Methods
Alternatively you can bank transfer your donation directly using the following details:
Account: Bangladeshi Mental Health Forum
Account Sort: 40-01-18
Account Number: 71457551
Use ‘Donation‘ as a reference
Many thanks for your kind support!!